Have My Soul
A while ago I gave my soul away to my friend Baby for a bite of his cookies and cream shake, and tonight I offered my soul to my mother if she would do the dishes for me. She declined. That's alright, she would have had to split it with Baby anyway. And here I am typing away about something completely pointless when I had a textual analysis rough draft due today. *sigh* I'll do it tomorrow (the sensible me slaps the procrastinator within). Why am I even writing right now? Because, sometimes I just feel like I need to write, even if it is meaningless. I'm hoping though, that someday while I'm typing some sort of brilliance will reveal itself within my text. But that someday is not today, and so I am going to go soak in a hot bath. Oh yes, I must remember to put this in white so it can be seen.
I know that need to write. Even if it is about nothing..... blah! I love you candace.
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